Thursday, February 25, 2010

996 Words

A Anal Penetration:
Anal sex most often refers to the sex act involving insertion of the penis into the anus. The term anal sex can also sometimes include other sexual acts involving the anus, including Anal–oral sex, fingering, and object insertion.

Anal sex is considered a high-risk sexual practice, and unprotected anal sex is the riskiest of all forms of sexual intercourse. The hazards are due to the vulnerability of the tissues, as the penetration of the anus causes tearing and bleeding of the soft tissues, and can damage the sphincter muscles, causing incontinence and anal prolapse. It is also due to the high concentration of disease causing organisms in the anus and the introduction of pathogens during the sex act itself, exposing the participants to a spectrum of contagious diseases. Some authorities judge that all anal sex is unsafe, due to the high rates of condom failure, including those brands that claim to be specially strengthened.

A Denise Matthews: See D.D. Winters

An Orgone Blaster:
Orgone (a word coined from the same root as "organism" and "orgasm") is an idea which was proposed and promoted in the 1930s by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who originated the term to describe a universal life force. The idea was quickly discredited and dismissed. The current consensus of the scientific community is that orgone theory is pseudoscience.

Reich believed that many diseases, and particularly cancer, were caused by deficits or constrictions in the flow of orgone in the body, and developed specially designed "orgone accumulators" which supposedly charged the body with orgone collected from the atmosphere. These devices were distributed as devices to improve general health and increase sexual potency, and later were adopted into tools such as cloudbusters, devices intended to stimulate rainfall.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eventually obtained a federal injunction barring the interstate distribution of orgone-related materials, on the charge that Reich and his associates were making false and misleading claims. When Reich violated the injunction he was sentenced to two years in prison, and by court order all orgone-related equipment was destroyed and several tons of literature and research journals owned by Reich and his associates were burned in incinerators by the FDA.

There's a select group of people who regard the creator of orgone theory, Wilhelm Reich, as a misunderstood but brilliant researcher/practitioner who was a martyr to the US Food and Drug Administration.

Sherry Shriner, a Carrollton, Ohio woman is also a self-proclaimed alien expert, orgone researcher and claims to be a Christian. Sherry first got into orgones because according to her, Yahweh told her about them:

"I kept praying that the Lord would show me how to tear down the strongholds of the New World Order. And He kept leading me to Orgone.

Sooner or later I realized it had to be the answer since He kept leading me to it and I began to research it. I ran into groups online where it is quite a mixture of believers and non-believers who had already spear headed their own orgonite movements to neutralize these towers. And they were doing it by what they call "tower busters" however I changed the way they were being made and have made them even more powerful. I call them Orgone Blasters!!!"

The towers Sherry is referring to are what most people believe to be cell phone towers, which in reality are not cell phone towers at all, but according to Sherry mind-control devices used by the New World Order (NWO). They exert this control by emitting extreme low frequency (ELF) waves, which, Sherry says, mimic brain waves. And the NWO is doing its dirty work subliminally. "They're talking to you," Sherry warns, "subliminal hypnotic messages…courtesy of these towers…in particular they are Mind conditioning and Mind control towers and they're going up in every neighborhood across the country… Sensitive people can pick up messages such as ‘Accept The New World Order’ and others being blasted by these towers. If you see white flashes of light emanating from them then, and even if you don't…they are working to condition your mind."

"Not only that," she adds, "they will repel anything evil and keep it away from your yard, home and family!! Unwanted aliens and demons on your property? No problem bury a few of our Orgone Blasters at each corner of your property!"

In her research, Sherry has discovered that there are different types of orgone energy:

"Orgone is an energy. It creates an energy of either positive energy or negative energy. Positive energy orgone repels evil. Negative energy orgone attracts evil.

Naturally the pagans like negative based orgone energy and they add many extra things such as cursed water and objects into their orgone to magnify the amount of negative energy it will produce. They also wind their coils counter-clockwise as opposed to clockwise that are inside the orgone. Some people don't think it makes a difference but it does.

The only orgone I make is Positive energy orgone and I have the instructions on my websites.

Just as darkness cannot stand light, they can't stand positive energy either. Anything negative such as demons or aliens will be repulsed and repelled by something positive".

Sherry Shriner is no Christian. According to her: "The KJV purposely mistranslated the name of the Son of God from Yahushua to "Jesus" and that this "Jesus" being taught in the majority of churches today is not Yahushua Himself but Satan. I also believe John's warning at the end of the book of Revelation of "adding to or subtracting from" his book was exactly that, his book, and doesn't pertain to the KJV since it didn't exist at that time. Churches abuse this passage to keep their sheeple in apostasy and under religious mind control".

A Psychotronic:
Psychotronics is a particular branch of parapsychology that supposes an energy or force to emanate from living organisms and affect matter.

Psychotronic devices use radionic tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind control technology. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction. Research has shown that it possible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual messages.

A Remote Viewing:
Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means, in particular, extra-sensory perception or sensing with mind. Remote viewing allows a viewer to use his or her intuitive abilities to gather information on a target consisting of an object, place, or person, etc., which is hidden from the physical perception of the viewer and typically separated from the viewer in space by some distance. The "view" is merely a personal impression experienced by the viewer, and is sometimes recorded by another person.

A Scrooge Bah Humbug:
Bah humbug is derived from Ebenezer Scrooge, the principal character in Charles Dickens's 1843 novel, A Christmas Carol. At the beginning of the novel, Scrooge is a cold-hearted, tight-fisted and greedy man, who despises all things which give people happiness.

"Bah" is an interjection expressing contempt or disapproval. "Humbug" is an archaic term meaning "hoax", or "jest". While the term was first attested in 1751 in student slang, its etymology is unknown. It is known, however, that it was used as profanity centuries ago, in places such as Great Britain. Its present meaning as an exclamation is closer to "nonsense", or "gibberish", while as a noun, a humbug refers to a fraud or impostor, implying an element of unjustified publicity and spectacle.

A Shriner Orgone: See An Orgone Blaster

A Social Network:
A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.

A Sylvia Browne:
Sylvia Browne (born Sylvia Celeste Shoemaker October 19, 1936) is an American author on the subject of spirituality who performs as a psychic and spiritual medium. She has made several appearances on Larry King Live, was a weekly guest on The Montel Williams Show, and hosts her own hour-long show on Hay House Radio, discussing paranormal issues and giving callers advice in her role as a psychic.

Browne has been convicted of investment fraud and grand theft, and has been involved in numerous controversies regarding her claims and predictions, with reports about her failed predictions and claims appearing in several newspapers.

In 2002, Brown told Gwendolyn Krewson that her daughter Holly, who had been missing for seven years, was living in Hollywood, California and working as an exotic dancer in a nightclub. In 2006, dental records were used to positively identify a body found in 1996 in San Diego, California as that of Holly Krewson.

Browne predicted that Ryan Katcher, a nineteen-year-old who disappeared during the night in November 2000 in Illinois, had been murdered and could be found in an iron mine shaft a few miles away from the Katcher home. Katcher was later found in his truck in a pond in Illinois and had died of drowning.

In 1999, Browne told Audrey Sanderford that her six year old granddaughter Opal Jo Jennings had been taken from Tarrant County, Texas to Japan and forced into "white slavery", in a town she named as "Kukouro" or "Kukoura". No such town exists in Japan. In August of the same year, Richard Lee Franks was arrested and charged with Jennings' abduction and murder; he was convicted the next year. Jennings' remains were found in December 2003, and autopsy revealed that she had died from trauma to the head within hours of being abducted.

In 2002, Browne told Lynda McClelland's daughters that their mother had been abducted by a man with the initials "MJ" and taken to Orlando, Florida, but was still alive. McClelland's body was found buried less than two miles from her home in Pennsylvania. The man charged and convicted for the murder was David Repasky, McClelland's son-in-law, who was present for the reading.

In 2003, Browne claimed that eleven year old Shawn Hornbeck had been abducted by a very tall man with long black dreadlocks and a blue sedan, and that his body could be found near two large, jagged boulders in a wooded area about 20 miles southwest of Richwoods. Her claims led to a refocusing of search efforts of numerous people calling in with tips regarding possible spottings of the rock formations Browne had mentioned. Hornbeck was found alive four years later, having been abducted by a white man with short brown hair who drove a small white Toyota pickup. Browne told the New York Daily News, "I'm terribly sorry that this happened, but I think my body of work stands by itself. I've broken case after case."

In January 2006 Anderson Cooper reported on Browne's 2003 claims and interviewed the Hornbeck parents, Randi, and Browne critic Robert Lancaster (Browne declined to be interviewed). The Hornbeck parents reported that Browne offered to "tell them more" if they booked a private meeting at $700 for 20 minutes. Browne denied having ever asked such a thing.

In June 2008, Ofcom ruled that ITV2 "breached standards with a repeat of the Montel Williams Show in which a 'desperate' couple were told by a psychic their missing son was dead - even though he turned up alive last year.

Browne has often spoken of working with the police and FBI as a psychic detective, but according to The Skeptics Dictionary, in 21 of Browne's 35 cases, the details she gave were too vague to be verified, and in the remaining 14 Browne played no useful role.

Furthermore, Sylvia Browne's views on Jesus and Christianity conflict with the Holy Bible. According to Browne: "Getting back to the virgin birth of Christ, Francine says that it was not a virgin birth and that Joseph impregnated Mary. Francine further states that this does not take away Jesus' divinity because in reality God is the one who makes any impregnation possible for any child and chose Mary to be the mother of Christ - his direct report and messenger." She also states: "We do not hold that Christ was God, nor that he died for our 'sins,' nor that he rose from the dead."

Sylvia Browne is clearly a fraud and pathological liar. She is not to be trusted or believed.

A Lasik Surgery:
LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a type of refractive surgery for correcting myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. LASIK is performed by ophthalmologists using a laser.

Some patients with poor outcomes from LASIK surgical procedures report a significantly reduced quality of life because of vision problems or physical pain associated with the surgery. The most common complication from refractive surgery is the incidence of "dry eyes." According to an American Journal of Ophthalmology study of March 2006, the incidence rate of dry eyes from LASIK after the six month post operative healing period was 36.36%. The FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) website states that "dry eyes" may be permanent. Other risk factors include: light sensitivity, halos, double vision, overcorrection or undercorrection, floaters, etc.

A United Nations:
An international organization of countries set up in 1945, in succession to the League of Nations, to promote international peace, security, and cooperation

A Yellowstone:
Yellowstone National Park spans an area of 3,468 square miles (8,980 km2), comprising lakes, canyons, rivers and mountain ranges. Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America and is centered over the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest supervolcano on the continent. The caldera is considered an active volcano; it has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two million years. Half of the world's geothermal features are in Yellowstone, fueled by this ongoing volcanism. Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone.

Church Gay Marriage:
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them" (Lev.20:13).

In the United Kingdom, ministers are proposing to change the law to allow homosexual couples to "marry" in traditional religious ceremonies – including in church.

Some faiths, including the Quakers, Unitarians and Liberal Jews – support the change in the law and will apply for their buildings to host same-sex "marriage" ceremonies.

In 2010, an amendment was added to the former Labour government's Equalities Act by Lord Alli, the Labour peer, paving the way for civil partnership ceremonies to be held in places of worship if religious groups permitted this.

In the United States, the Presbyterian Church has allowed Presbyterian ministers and churches to bless same-sex relationships as long as the ceremonies aren't described or structured as weddings. The denomination also has officially endorsed state civil unions for same-sex couples since 2004. In 2014, the nation’s largest Presbyterian denomination voted to treat marriage as the union of ‘two people’ instead of a ‘man and a woman.’ In a separate vote, the General Assembly in Detroit decided to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where gay marriage is legal.

With five states recognizing same-sex marriages and numerous others banning them, Presbyterian pastors and elders "are faced with complex decisions," the committee statement said. "... Broadening the language to offer marriage to any two people removes the religious barriers faced by ministers, (elders), church members, and other Christians while continuing to honor the laws of each state."

The Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church allow the ordination of gay clergy and the blessings of same-sex relationships, but not as marriage rites.

Roman Catholic, Southern Baptist, United Methodist, Mormon and other larger denominations allow neither, saying homosexual activity is sinful.

Earth Defenses Failed:
Asteroid mitigation strategies are "planetary defense" methods by which near-Earth objects could be diverted, preventing potentially catastrophic impact events. A sufficiently large impact would cause massive tsunamis and/or, by placing large quantities of dust into the stratosphere blocking sunlight, an impact winter.

Potential defenses include but are not limited to: nuclear weapons, kinetic impact, gravitational tractor, etc.

Explicit Language:
Words fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing to the imagination. Explicit language includes sexually graphic discussion, profanity, obscenities, etc.

Ghost Story:
A story involving ghosts or ghostly circumstances, intended to be suspenseful and scary

Imaginary Ghost:
Imaginary friends and imaginary companions are a psychological and social phenomenon where a friendship or other interpersonal relationship takes place in the imagination rather than external physical reality. University of Oregon researchers discovered 64% of children have an imaginary friend by the time they’re seven.

Is it possible for an imaginary friend to be a ghost? Most often an imaginary friend is a harmless product of a healthy, active imagination. Sometimes, the friends are actually apparitions, ghosts with intelligence. Children tend to see ghosts more than adults do. It’s believed the reason is that they’re more open to believing that ghosts exist and they’re innocents who have no fear of things they don’t understand. Because apparitions have intelligence and can communicate, they appear to seek children.

Signs that your child’s imaginary friend is a ghost:

•The phenomena begun when you moved to a new house – Check the history of the house to see if there were any murders or accidents in the place in the past.
•The child reports the ghost saying things like full name, or “I used to live here“, “This is my room“, “These are my toys” etc.
•The child can describe the ghost’s look or age.
•Strange atmosphere in the house/flat occur, like feeling of heaviness, or just “bad”, unpleasant feelings.
•Some level of poltergeist activity occur, noises, rapping, things moving on their own etc.

Ovarian Cysts:
An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be as small as a pea, or larger than an orange. An ovarian cyst may be found in conjunction with ovulation disorders, tumors of the ovary, and endometriosis. Most are benign but their size may cause swelling and pressure on other organs. For those cysts that do become malignant, it is possible that its discovery comes too late to allow successful treatment. Ultrasound scanning can be adopted to detect tumours at an early stage.

Cause to have too great a population; to fill with too many individuals; to exceed the capacity of a region to contain the population.

Roberts Drugs:
Tharp Spencer Roberts (a pharmacist) invented 666® Cold Formulas, 666® Quinine Formula for malaria, and 666® Nasal Salve. The 666 lines included the liquid, tablets, salve, and nose drops.

To learn more about Roberts Drugs, please read:
Haunted Monticello, Florida
By Betty Davis and Big Bend Ghost Trackers

September Eleven:
The September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda members hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others.

Signs and Wonder:
The origin of the phrase "Signs and Wonders" is in Deuteronomy 26:8, which describes the commandment to tithe first fruits as linked to God's having brought the Israelites out of Egypt "with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, and with signs and wonders".

Signs and Wonders was a phrase used often by leaders of the Charismatic movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It is closely associated with the ministry of John Wimber and the Vineyard Movement. One of the major emphases of the belief is that the Gospel can be communicated more effectively to unbelievers if accompanied by supernatural manifestations brought on by the Holy Spirit (such as prophecy and healing).

Twin Towers:
The World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex in Lower Manhattan in New York City whose seven buildings were destroyed in 2001 in the September 11 terrorist attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks.

Vancouver Games:
The 2010 Winter Olympics, officially the XXI Olympic Winter Games or the 21st Winter Olympics, will be a major international multi-sport event held on February 12–28, 2010, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with some events held in the resort town of Whistler, British Columbia and in the Vancouver suburb of Richmond.

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